Andy Davies Chiropractor in Cardiff

Blogs from your Specialist Chiropractor in Cardiff


What does a chiropractor do?

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If you’ve ever asked yourself what does a chiropractor do exactly, how effective is the treatment and whether it’s right for you, then we hope this blog post can offer some answers.. What does a chiropractor do? While chiropractors are widely known for treating back and neck pain, they also treat bone and soft tissue […]


The benefits of dry needling and acupuncture…

Acupuncture and dry needling treatments both use thin, stainless steel needles. For both practices, needles are inserted into the skin to treat pain. But that is where the similarities end. One practice has been used for thousands of years as an alternative treatment and has some solid research of effectiveness. The other’s been adopted in […]


Dog walking mistakes to avoid for a healthy spine…

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You’re taking your dog for a walk. It’s a beautiful sunny day. You’re texting a friend about your upcoming trip to… Suddenly — faster than you can say, “squirrel!” — your dog takes off. You may not realise how common dog walking injuries are, but here at the clinic we see disgruntled dog lovers regularly. […]


Can more be done to help pharmacists in the workplace?

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Pharmacists provide an important service for our local communities, and their health and well being is key to ensuring drugs are prescribed correctly and safely. Over the last year I have treated a number of different pharmacists, varying in gender, age, height, time in the job and the common factor between all of these patients? […]


5 Surprising Benefits Of Chiropractic Care

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Here are some of the amazing benefits of receiving chiropractic treatment… You might be thinking that you don’t need chiropractic care because you are not experiencing pain in your back or neck. But you don’t need to be in pain to get adjusted. Pain is the body’s way of indicating there is a problem, but […]


What are the best sleeping positions ?

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If you are finding that back and neck pain is keeping you awake at night, the way you sleep might be contributing to it. Here are some helpful tips to encourage a better night’s sleep… The best: Sleeping on your back Good for: Preventing neck and back pain, reducing acid reflux. Sleeping on your back […]


Do you respect your Spine like you do your teeth?

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Do you respect your Spine like you do your teeth? Do you brush your teeth every day? Maybe once, maybe twice per day? Either way you are aware that your teeth require cleaning on a regular basis, otherwise they may discolour, build up tartar, fall out, need a filling and so on. It’s not just […]


Posture Tips for New Mum and Dads!

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Babies can be heavy and difficult to lift from newborn until years old, thus causing stress and tension on our neck, back, shoulders and wrists. The sheer number of times you are required to lift or move your child in one day is staggering and that is why it is essential that these movements are […]


Why is Sitting bad for my Posture?

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As a society we generally sit down way too much!  Whether it is due to our job, hobby, relaxing time or even sleeping, we all sit down more than we should. Unfortunately, the implications of leading a sedentary lifestyle in and out of work can lead to more serious outcomes if not addressed asap. If […]


A ‘Slipped Disc’ and How Chiropractic Care Can Help!

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Before we talk about a condition known most commonly as a ‘slipped Disc’, it is important to know where and what it actually is. The discs lie between the vertebra in the spinal column, which span from the base of your skull down to the small of your back. The discs are gelatinous in nature […]

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